Licensee Alerts and Advisories
- DRE Warns Against Price Gouging in Wildfire Areas (January 2025)
- DRE Fee Increases in Effect July 1, 2024 (July 2024)
- Upcoming Changes to the Pre-License Course Requirements
(February 2023)
- 2023 Real Estate Law Book Now Available Online
(January 2023)
- New Real Estate Laws that Take Effect January 1, 2023
(November 2022)
- Fair Housing Month
(April 2022)
- 2022 Real Estate Law
(January 2022)
- New Real Estate laws taking effect January 1, 2022
(November 2021)
- DRE Warns Against Price Gouging in Wildfire Areas
(August 2021)
- Options for Licensees and Examinees Who Missed the June 30th Deadline for COVID-19 Extensions
(July 2021)
- Licensee Advisory: June 30,2021 Expiration of COVID-19 Deadline Extensions is Approaching
(May 2021)
- Licensee Advisory: COVID-19 Licensee and Examinee Extensions Expire June 30, 2021
(May 2021)
- Licensee Advisory: Implementation of Section 106, Eliminating Barriers to Jobs for Loan Originators, of S.2155
(September 2019)
- Advisory: Implementation of Petition Process for the Removal of Discipline Information from the DRE's Website
(March 2019)
- Licensee Advisory- Assembly Bill 2330, effective January 1, 2018, pertaining to Broker Associates.
(September 2017)
- Licensee Alert - Supplemental Disciplinary Advisory to Real Estate Salespersons Who Mislead Consumers into Falsely Believing that They are Brokers
(March 2017)
- Licensee Advisory - to Real Estate Brokers Conducting Controlled Escrows
(March 2017)
- Licensee Alert - Broker Controlled Escrow Activities: Should You Be Reporting to the Department of Real Estate?
(June 2016)
- Alert to Real Estate Licensees and Others Who Solicit, Offer, and
Manage "Short-Term" Residential Rentals as Agents for Another or Third Parties.
(April 2016)
- Advisory to License Applicants Regarding Senate Bill 1226, Pertaining to
Expedited Licensure Process for Honorably Discharged Veterans, effective July 1, 2016.
(January 2016)
- Licensee Advisory - Senate Bill 146, Effective July 16, 2015, Pertaining to Fictitious Business Names & "Team Names"
(September 2015)
- Licensee Advisory - How does the new TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule affect the MLDS?
(Rev ised December 2015)
- Licensee Advisory - Disciplinary Warning to Real Estate Salespersons Who Act,
Conduct Themselves, and/or Advertise as "Independent" Real Estate Professionals -- and a Simultaneous Caution to Brokers Who Allow or Support Such Practices
(September 2015)
- The Career Compass (and its owner Wellington Pendell) Cannot Offer Continuing Education
Courses for CalBRE Credit Desist and Refrain Order Against The Career Compass and Wellington Pendell for Making False or Misleading Statements is Affirmed
(August 2015)
- Advisory and Guidance to Licensees Regarding Assembly Bill 2018, Effective January 1, 2015, Pertaining to Fictitious Business Names and "Team Names"
(December 2014)
- Advisory to Examinees and Licensees Regarding Providing the Department with Valid Contact Information Pursuant to Assembly Bill 2540
(December 2014)
- Recent Policy Change: The Department to Approve Fictitious Business Names that Include the Names of Salespersons and "Team Names"
(May 2013)
- Advisory to License Applicants Regarding Assembly Bill 1904 Pertaining to the Expedited Licensure Process for Military Spouses
(May 2013)
- Department Advisory to Licensees on Requirement to Report Criminal Charges, Convictions and Other Actions
(July 2012)
- Department Advisory on the Interpretation of "Within this State" (Section 10130)
(July 2012)
- Advisory to Licensees on SB 510
(June 2012)
- Credit Repair Services Performed by Real Estate Brokers – An Advisory to Licensees
(April 2012)
- Short Sales
(March 2010)