First Home California

Thank you for your service to California and to the United States of America.
DRE offers several options for veterans, active-duty servicemembers, and the spouses of active-duty
servicemembers to work in the California’s licensed real estate profession. That assistance includes
expedited processing of license applications, and in some cases, portability of a license from another
state, district, or territory.
The options are outlined below. Click on the group of which you are a member to get additional information.
We look forward to having you as an important member of California’s real estate industry.
>I am a Military Veteran
DRE offers expedited processing of initial licensure applications for individuals who were "honorably discharged" from the United States Armed Forces.
Materials You Must Submit with Your Application
For expedited processing, your package must include the proper application, qualifications, and fees, along with any one of the three items below:- Copy of Your DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty; or
- Copy of Your NGB Form 22, National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Service; or
- Copy of another type of Honorable Discharge certificate
Please do not send any originals.
To Apply Online
You can set up a free account online through DRE’s eLicensing portal. You then will be able to upload and submit these materials to DRE as part of your online application for expedited processing.
To Apply Through U.S. Postal Service
Please print out copies of the materials required above, along with a signed application packet and mail to the following address for expedited processing:
California Department of Real Estate
651 Bannon Street, Suite 502
Attn: Military Section
Sacramento, CA 95811
Additional Resources
Please address any questions you have regarding DRE’s Military Application Assistance Program to DRE’s Licensing division, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (877) 373-4542, or via email to:
>I am an Active-Duty Servicemember
>I want to get a California Real Estate License
DRE expedites applications filed by current active-duty servicemembers of the military. Your
application packet should include your qualifications and fees.
Materials You Must Submit with Your Application
For expedited processing, your application submission must include the proper application, qualifications, and fees,
along with any one of the two items below:
- Copy of your current military identification.
- Copy of your current military orders.
If mailing your application, please do not send any originals.
To Apply Online
You can set up a free account and submit your application online through DRE’s eLicensing portal for expedited processing.
To Apply by U.S. Postal Service
Please print and mail your signed application packet to the following address for expedited processing:
California Department of Real Estate
651 Bannon Street, Suite 502
Attn: Military Section
Sacramento, CA 95811
Additional Resources
> I have a License in Another State, District, or Territory, and want to work under that license in California
In January 2023, President Joe Biden signed into law the
Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act (MSLRA). Under the act, if an active-duty servicemember or
their spouse is professionally licensed in another state, district, or territory of the United States and relocates
to California due to military orders, their license will be considered valid in California at a similar scope of
practice for the duration of the military orders provided they meet the eligibility criteria set forth below.
In 2023, the California Legislature’s
Senate Bill (SB) 143 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Chapter 196, Statutes of 2023) that authorizes DRE,
among others, to establish a parallel process to register active-duty servicemembers or their spouses who want to
practice in California under their license from another state, district, or territory.
MSLRA applies if the active-duty servicemember:
Has actively used their license during the two years immediately preceding the relocation required by the miliary orders;
Provides DRE with a copy of the military orders showing the relocation to California;
Remains in good standing with both:
- The licensing authority that issued the license; and
- If licensed in more than one state, district, or territory, remains in good standing with every licensing authority that has issued them a license at a similar scope of practice and in the discipline applied; and
Submits to DRE’s authority for the purposes of standards of practice, discipline, and fulfillment of any continuing education requirements.
Materials You Should Submit with Your Registration
For the license in another state to be considered valid in California, the active-duty servicemember must complete
DRE’s Online Registration Application, which includes the following information:
Your Legal Name;
Your Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number;
Your California Address of Record;
A Current Email Address;
A Current Phone Number;
A copy of the military orders showing your relocation to California;
Written verification or documentation printed from your original licensing jurisdiction’s online licensing system stating that your real estate license in that jurisdiction is in good standing.
Login to Your DRE MSLR Connect account
NOTE: If you have active real estate licenses in more than one jurisdiction, you must submit written verification from each jurisdiction stating that your license is in good standing in that jurisdiction.
Additional Resources
License Portability Fact Sheet
Please address any questions you have regarding DRE’s Military Application Assistance Program to DRE’s Licensing division, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (877) 373-4542, or via email to:
>I am the Spouse of an Active-Duty Servicemember
>I want to get a California Real Estate License
DRE expedites applications filed by spouses/domestic partners of active-duty military servicemembers. Your application packet should include your qualifications and fees.
Materials You Should Submit with Your Application
The packet should include the proper application, qualifications, and fees, along with:Evidence that the applicant is married to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with, an active-duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is assigned to a duty station in California under official active-duty military orders
To Apply Online
You can set up a free account and submit your application online through DRE’s eLicensing portal for expedited processing.
To Apply by U.S. Postal Service
Please print and mail your signed application packet to the following address for expedited processing:
California Department of Real Estate
651 Bannon Street, Suite 502
Attn: Military Section
Sacramento, CA 95811
Additional Resources
> I have a License in Another State, District, or Territory, and want to work under that license in California
In January 2023, President Joe Biden signed into law the
Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act (MSLRA). Under the act, if the spouse of an active-duty servicemember is
professionally licensed in another state, district, or territory and relocates to California due to military orders,
their license will be considered valid in California at a similar scope of practice, for the duration of the military
In 2023, the California Legislature’s
Senate Bill (SB) 143 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Chapter 196, Statutes of 2023) codified the federal MSLRA into state
law as Business and
Professions Code 115.10.
The act applies if the spouse of an active-duty servicemember:
• Materials You Should Submit with Your Registration
For the license in another state to be considered valid in California, the active-duty servicemember must complete
DRE’s Online Registration Application, which includes the following information:
NOTE: If you have active real estate licenses in more than one jurisdiction, you must submit written
verification from each jurisdiction stating that your license is in good standing in that jurisdiction.
• Additional Resources