70/30 Continuing Education Exemption
Pursuant to Business and Professions (B&P) Code Section 10170.8 , real
estate licensees who submit satisfactory evidence to the Commissioner that they are 70 years of age or older
and have been "licensees in good standing" for 30 continuous years in California are exempt from the
continuing education requirements for license renewal.
A "licensee in good standing" is one who holds an active license which has not been suspended, revoked or restricted as a result of disciplinary action.
To request a continuing education exemption under B&P Code Section 10170.8, complete a
Continuing Education Extension/Exemption Request
(RE 213) and submit it with
your application for license renewal. Include a copy of your birth certificate or driver's license to
verify your age along with supporting documentation which indicates the number of years you have been
licensed. Please note that if you are applying for the exemption for the first time, your renewal
application must be submitted by mail or in person. If an exemption has been granted, you may file your
renewal application using eLicensing.
As laws and regulations do change, it is advised that you keep up to date by reading the Real Estate Bulletin and voluntarily taking CE courses as needed.