Featured Search
The header above is an example of the featured search bar. It's location and size make it a prominent feature on this layout option. The .search-container
classes need to be added to the #head-search
div in the header of your page.
More information on using search results categories and instant search as seen on the ca.gov portal will be available in the near future.
NOTE: Featured search can be used with any page template, see available options by viewing page templates.
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Ask Buttons
The ask buttons are complementary to the featured search bar and could be used for various purposes depending on your business needs. To use this feature you must utilize the SSI include method right below the header of the desired page.
<!-- Ask Bar --> <!--#include virtual="/ssi/ask-bar.html" -->
The number of buttons can be customized from two to six including the menu options for each one. All of the configurations are located in the ask-bar.html
file located in the ssi
folder. Remember to update the <a>
class right below the panel div tag of each ask button to the number of total buttons you plan to use. The options are: two, three, four, five and six. The number you pick should coinside with the number of ask buttons in the ask-bar.html
file located in the ssi
Source Code:
Toggle the button to add or remove the ask buttons below the featured search bar.