About DRE Forms
Q. - What file format are the forms in?
A. - The Department's downloadable forms are in Portable Document Format (PDF). Some have been updated to allow you to fill them in, then print them out, while others only allow you to print, then fill them in manually. To use our PDF forms, you will need one of the following:
- Adobe Reader, version 6.0 or better, which allows you to fill and print them or,
- Adobe Acrobat Approval, version 5.0 or better, which allows you to fill, spell check, print, and save them or,
- Adobe Acrobat, version 5.0 or better, which allows you to fill, print, and save them.
To electronically sign DRE forms that have digital signature fields enabled, please download or save the form and sign using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To obtain copies of the DRE forms listed as hard copy only, submit a request to DRE via mail, fax, or phone.
NOTE: See the Adobe Reader website to download a free copy.